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Medical Centre Employee Centered Information Security Awareness


Im Rahmen der MedISA-Forschung wurden verschiedene Messinstrumente zur Erfassung der Information Security Awareness in einem Katalog zusammengestellt, die für weitere Forschungsarbeiten und praktische Anwendungen genutzt werden können.

Die zusammengestellten Instrumente bieten Hinweise auf Reliabilität und Validität, die wissenschaftlichen Gütekriterien sind jedoch von unterschiedlicher Qualität. Weitere Hinweise entnehmen Sie den dazugehörigen Publikationen.

Katalogtitles.catalogue | MedISA

Mobile Information Security Awareness Scale (MISAS)

Autoren: Erdoğdu F., Gökoğlu S., Kara M.
Titel der Veröffentlichung: “What about users?”: Development and validation of the mobile information security awareness scale (MISAS).
Jahr: 2021

Sprache der Items: Englisch
Anzahl an Items: 17
Reliabilität: Cronbach’s alpha (0.761 to 0.904)
Validität: Inhalts-, Augenschein- und Konstruktvalidität

Antwort Spezifikation: Five-point Likert scale (1 = absolutely disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = absolutely agree)

I think there is nothing wrong with Internet banking transactions using my friends’ mobile devices.
I think there is nothing wrong with shopping using my friends’ mobile devices.
I backup my photos on my mobile device.
I backup my phonebook on my mobile device.
I backup my data on my mobile device.
I regularly check the updates of the applications on my mobile device.
I regularly check the upgrades of my mobile device.
I never download the applications requesting access to my phonebook.
I never download the applications requesting access to my photos.
I make sure that nobody looks while I unlock the screen of my mobile phone.
I make sure that my screen lock is adequately complex so it cannot be easy to guess.
I make sure that nobody looks while I enter the passwords for my mobile applications such as e-mail, Internet banking, or social networks.
I make sure that the passwords for my mobile applications such as e-mail, Internet banking, or social networks are adequately complex so others cannot easily guess.